The Happy Migrant - Your relocation survival guide - 2nd edition
The Happy Migrant is your guide book for coping emotionally with relocation to a new country or state.
Preparing for Your Move: you will be guided to explore your values and your reasons for moving. You will look at adapting your routine to create time for the practical aspects of moving, discuss emotions that could arise during the move, and how change can affect you. You will look at the logistics of the move as well as the importance of self care and relaxation.
Family and Friends: You will discover the possible reactions of friends and family when you leave. Maintaining positive relationships with those left behind, as well as creating new friendships at your destination; both crucial aspects of a successful move.
Enjoying and Embracing Your New Environment: You will discover the practical issues of arrival at your destination. We bring awareness to cultural differences, explore your new home, find balance and cope with homesickness.
Relationship Survival Before, During and After the Move: you are encouraged to focus on your relationship with your spouse and children. Communication, helping each other, attitude and balance are vital to ensure you can support each other and maintain a strong connection throughout the process.
Kama has 40 + years experience as an expat moving from country to country. Kama has lived overseas as a teenager, a wife, a mother, and as a divorcee trying to find her feet.
*Coaching is also available. Contact Kama for more information.